Wednesday, November 20, 2013

midweek confessions

I've been away for a while and I figured there was no better way to come back than linking with E for some Miweek Confessions!

1. I still love my job. Every day there are little things that just make me so happy that the stress, worry, and exhaustion are all worth it. I have yet to question if this was the right career for me and I think that as a first year teacher I am blessed to be feeling this good about it.

2. My boyfriend and I are signing a lease on an! We have been living 300 miles apart since we graduated college in May of 2012. I am beyond excited to be living in the same place as him and not have to only see him a couple weekends a month. I'm so ready for our life to continue together and this is such a big step. We are going furniture shopping today and while I am thinking walmart, he has bigger plans. We will see what our bank accounts allow.

3. I am so ready for Christmas this year! Usually I am a person who likes to wait until after thanksgiving but I'm so ready to go out and start shopping for people. My favorite part about the holidays is picking out great presents for people because it brings me so much joy watching them open them and be excited about what I got them, especially when it's something they really wanted. It's also an excuse to shop, and I love to shop! Buttttt, I haven't started listening to Christmas music yet. That is one thing that I will stand firm on.

4. I wear leggings or skinny jeans every wednesday. This wouldn't be such an issue, except that I have a class that i see only on wednesdays and they probably think that I should get some more clothes. Granted it is always a different dress, I wonder if they notice and judge me. I wear dress pants every other day except friday, thank God for casual Fridays.

5. I get to see my best friend on Friday! I haven't seen her since her college graduation in May and I can't wait! We are going to visit our college for our band director's last football game. He is retiring after 25 years. The impact that he had on us as students was life changing. We all look up to him and he kept us in check all of our college years. We love him like a father and it will be bittersweet saying goodbye. He deserves retirement though and will be living it up in his cabin in Montana.

That's all for this week. Off for some professional development this morning then a crazy wednesday. Thanks for reading! Happy Hump Day! :]

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see a HAPPY teacher! Hope you are having fun shopping for that new apartment, and enjoy your weekend with your BFF!! :) Thanks for linking!
