Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I can't believe today is the last day of June! It has been such an awesome month. School's out! The end of the year went pretty well, it came super fast and I was a little sad to say goodbye to my kids, but I don't miss them yet. haha. Summer is in full swing, and my wedding is only a month away!

I can't believe how fast everything is going. I have crazy to do lists and I'm working really hard to get in shape and lose weight for the wedding. I'm always better with a timeline so I can really crack down for a month and do great. I've run every day for a week and I'm already feeling great.

Things with my fiance have been great. There are a few stressors here and there but overall, I think we are both super excited for the wedding. It was his birthday last week so we celebrated with cake and presents. I tried to spoil him. :)

I've been reading a ton! I already finished two books this summer and am working on my third.

I also try to spend like an hour at the pool each day working on my tan. Slow and steady should make me the perfect shade of golden brown for my wedding. 

Life is so good! 

1 comment:

  1. That cake you got your fiance looks great!! You also know it's the beginning of summer if you aren't missing the kids yet haha!
