Monday, June 1, 2015

Weekending: Sunshine & Soccer

I had a fabulous weekend! We didn't have too many plans which always makes it that much better since I actually have time to relax. Here's what we did!

Friday night was our FFA end of the year banquet. The kids did an awesome job recognizing everyone for their accomplishments this year. They also announced the officer team for next year and it is a great group, I am excited to see what this next year brings for our chapter.

Saturday morning C and I went to help my mom with yard work. Her and her boyfriend have been spending the last few weekends completely transforming the backyard at her (my childhood) house for our rehearsal dinner. It looks AMAZING. We went and helped them move bark which was the final step. I am praying for a sunny day so that they get to show off their hard work. I will be so devastated if it is rainy but I can't even start thinking/stressing about that.

I spent the rest of Saturday finishing and stuffing my invitations. They are going in the mail today! 

Sunday C and I went up to Seattle for Sounders Game. This was my first professional soccer game and it was a lot of fun. My cousin lives in a building near the stadium and we went up there to BBQ and hang out before the game. It was a great day, perfect weather, and they won!

Back to school tomorrow. Only two more full weeks! I'm so ready for summer.

Linking up with Meghan


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! I love the centerpieces at the banquet, and your wedding stamps are adorable. Have a great week!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend. :)

  3. Those wedding stamps are gorgeous!! I want to go get some just to use to pay my bills, ha!

  4. Professional soccer games are so fun!
