Wednesday, January 15, 2014

10 little confessions.

I was inspired by E this morning so I'm linking up for Midweek Confessions with 10 little confessions.

1. We haven't even been back from winter break for two weeks yet and I'm already in desperate need of another break.

2. I eat fiber one cereal every day, along with a fiber one bar, and sometimes a fiber one brownie. People always comment after just my granola bar that I'm going to have to go to the bathroom and the fiber seriously does nothing to me. I hope this is normal...

3. The worst thing about working out every day is that now I have to shower every day. I am lazy and like to skip a day so I don't have to deal with blow drying and straightening my hair every day but I'm definitely not going to be going to school after working out the night before.

4. I wear leggings every wednesday. My kids I only see Wednesday probably judge me.

5. I am going to Vegas during spring break and looking forward to that trip is keeping me sane.

6.  I am already slacking on my morning Bible reading. I read it super fast and pray so that then I can get on my computer. I don't think that's what I'm supposed to be doing.

7. I am a mod on a Harry Potter message board. I have been for 3 years...except I'm no longer in college and now a 23 year old teacher.

8. I am oddly excited for my birthday.

9. Living with my boyfriend is the best thing ever. We are so lame and like old people who just sit around and watch tv, but after being apart so long I just love being with him.

10. I'm stressed out.

Happy Hump Day!


  1. I usually dress in jeans every Wednesday but today I dressed up. My Wednesday people are going to be so thrown off... Enjoy your leggings :)

  2. I love this - especially that you are a mod on a Harry Potter message board. That's awesome! I'm the same way with Fiber, already wanting/needing a break from school, totally stressed out, and slacking on my Bible study. I'm also wearing leggings today. Haha! :) Thanks for linking!

  3. Hahaha I used to eat those Fiber One bars/brownies all the time, too!! Not for the fiber..because they were just dang tasty!!
