Sunday, February 8, 2015

Weekending: 16 pages down!

I don't know about you guys but by friday afternoon I am so beat that I barely have the energy to do anything. Thankfully my fiance was on the same page this week so we had a good dinner at home and spent the evening on the couch. I was browsing wedding sites and he was looking at houses online, it was just the night I needed.

Saturday morning we got up and went to the gym. I wanted to go to ZUMBA and it was a blast. That's seriously my favorite workout, I wish I was able to go more often or that they offered it more nights a week.

I spent all day Saturday working on a literature review for my Masters. I got about 2/3 done which was awesome. My best friend came over and we did some bible study which was refreshing. I've been ready my bible daily but I don't always go as deep into it so she had some good questions that we worked through.

Saturday night we went out to dinner at a delicious restaurant and brewing company then went out with some of C's friends for one of their birthdays. It was me and 3 guys, which happens often with that groups, and I don't really mind. We were all close in college and they are both in our wedding. The boys drank and celebrated while I watched and laughed at how entertaining they were. Even though we didn't get home until almost 3am it was a lot of fun.

Sunday we went to church then did the normal Sunday things, cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. Sunday evening my community group from church went to a skating party/concert hosted by Brandon Heath. He was selling his new cd and also performed some songs. It was a lot of fun and a great night out with friends.

We have a short week this week and it's my birthday week! Yay! 

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