Monday, March 23, 2015

Weekending: Relaxation

This weekend was wonderful. We didn't have many plans and I loved not being crazy busy. 

Friday evening we red-boxed Divergent in order to refresh our memories before we go see the second one next weekend. I made dinner for my fiance and best friend and we had a movie night. Surprisingly we didn't all fall asleep which is what usually happens. I'd consider that a success! I also forgot how much I actually liked that movie and I'm really excited for Insurgent on Friday! 

Saturday I cleaned up the apartment a little bit and worked on grad school. I finished a paper that I needed to write and turned that in. That afternoon we went to have dinner with my roommate and her new boyfriend. It was so much fun catching up with her and her new boyfriend is super nice. We went to the cheesecake factory, so good! 

Sunday we went to church and I spent the afternoon reading. I started and finished a book this weekend. I am trying to read more for fun and 

This week is going to be a busy one but next week is spring break! Five more days! 

Linking up with Meghan!

1 comment:

  1. Are you big Divergent fans?? I still need to see the first one - I've heard great things about it. And oh do I miss getting a spring break :)
