Dear R.I.P.P.E.D, You are the most fun I have had working out in a long time. I enjoy that the class mixes things up and keeps it interesting but why did we have to do like triple the amount of abs today? My legs are already burning, I can't wait, and now I can barely move my stomach. Maybe I'll be thanking you in a few months but right now I'm dying.
Dear Students, I love it when you say 'have a great day' back to me after I tell it to you. I think it's so sweet, especially since I'm a substitute and nobody really likes subs anyways.
Dear Bride-to-be Best Friend, I am beyond excited to go wedding dress shopping tomorrow! I know that you are going to be stunning and I am so thankful to be part of this experience.
Dear Memorial Day Weekend, Please take pity on us and give us some sunshine. I know that we aren't normally given much of it but it would make the weekend so much more enjoyable. There are some fun outside things that I'd love to partake it.
Dear Soldiers who are the reason we have memorial day, Thank you. There aren't enough words to thank you for your service. Thank you to your families, your friends, and for being brave enough to make the decision to lay down your life for our country. God Bless America.
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