Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Favorites

Favorite Song

I found this song last night when I was looking for wedding music and I forgot how much I love it. It makes me want to do a dance with my mom just so that I can play this song. The words are so sweet. 

Favorite Verse
This has been a great reminder this week. I've been super stressed with work and upset about the littlest things. I need to get back into reading the bible daily because i know it will give me the peace that I need. 

Favorite Food

I made a pintrest meal this week and it was so good! I served it with whole wheat pasta and peas instead of rice and it was delicious. I definitely want to make it again! 

Favorite Part of the Week
I talked to my dad and my grandpa this week. They both live on the east coast and I am lucky if I see them once a year. It was so nice to talk wedding with them and talk about their travel arrangements for the wedding. I'm so excited that they will both be there for my special day. 

Happy Friday! :)

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