Monday, October 19, 2015

Weekending: Homecoming

This weekend we went back to my my college, Washington State University, for homecoming. I love WSU, a lot. The spirit there is something special and we truly are a Cougar Family. It was an absolutely perfect weekend. We left right after school on Friday and made the trip there (about 5 hours) with one of my college roommates and her boyfriend. I haven't seen her since my wedding so it was great to catch up.

When we got there we went to my brother's apartment (he's getting his phD right now) and dropped off our stuff and then headed to the bar. It was crazy crowded, but wonderful. There was a pretty big group of us, we were dancing, singing, and having a great time. 
Me && my brother 

Saturday was GAMEDAY! :) We went to the store to get some things for breakfast and then started getting ready for the game. We headed to campus about 3 hours before kickoff and watched the band for a little bit and walked around to enjoy the festivities. It was the most beautiful day, sunny and 70 degress. Absolutely perfect. 
 We found our mascot, Butch! 

The game was a blast! We had a group of about 15 of us all in one section so we had a great time. Our team did amazing (which doesn't happen often) and we ended up winning! 

After the game we had dinner, took a nap, and then headed back to the bar. We were there until it closed at 2am. I would call that a success. :) 
When they turn the lights back know it's time to go.

My roommate wanted to leave early so we were on the road at 7am. I wasn't feeling very good and slept most of the way back. I was so glad I wasn't driving. It was such a blast, the perfect weekend reliving our college days. I'm so thankful that even three years later I still have such a solid core of friends from college to go and have fun with. I think next year we are going to rent an RV and tailgate, regardless as long as we are back and can enjoy a game together, that's all I care about. 
Two to go! Maybe by next year she'll have a ring too. :) Love my roommates. 

Linking up with Meghan!

1 comment:

  1. I always think it is so fun going back to college for homecoming! Such a fu time to reconnect with friends!
