Monday, June 15, 2015

Weekending: Family and Friends

What a weekend! The main event was my bridal shower which will get it's own post on Wednesday, but here's how it went! 

Friday afternoon I had a second hair trial. The lady originally scheduled to do my hair called and said that she had a family emergency (in two months?!...) and can't do my hair. Another stylist was taking it all over, same price, same everything, but I need to come do a trial with her. So I do, and I hated my hair. It was the same-ish look, but so wrong. Now I have to go AGAIN and hope that she figures it out...less than two months before my wedding. It's a little stressful.

Friday evening C and I went running. We've been doing a good job going out to at least walk or run a few miles each night. It feels so good and I really feel my body changing. I'm going to force him to keep going, he always likes it when he does and he really motivates me because he can run farther and faster than me.

Saturday we went to the horse races with some of our bridal party. I wanted it to be more of a thing to get everyone together but we have people who work full time and their jobs are on weekends, people hours away, and my MOH getting everything ready for the shower, so having everyone didn't happen but we still had a great day with who we had. 

Sunday was my shower! I am saving all of the details for my post on Wednesday, but it was absolutely amazing. Seriously a dream. I am one happy, spoiled, loved, girl. :) 

It's my last week of school until summer vacation! Woot Woot! We finish on Wednesday and I CANNOT wait. I love my job, but I need a break! :)

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous hair!! The sign at your shower was so cute!
