Friday, July 26, 2013

Five on Friday

I am linking up with Darci to join in the fun of 'Five on Friday!' Today my edition is the five top things from my vacation. It seemed too short but I also was excited to come back home and start getting ready for the school year! Anyways, my top five!
1. Getting Tan! I came home considerably darker than I was when I left. I attribute this to a couple days on the beach and my devotion to soaking up the sun. Even though it was 90 degrees with high humidity I sucked it up in order to get some color.

2. Walking the Boards! I was nervous to see the Boardwalk after it was devastated by hurricane Sandy bur surprisingly a lot of it was up and running again. It was heartbreaking to see where the pier was that is completely washed away. Also my favorite arcade was swept into the ocean. It's weird knowing it isn't there anymore but I love the memories I have from that place.

3. Pontoon boating! My dad rented a boat for the day and we went out with my cousins, aunt, and grandpa. We used to do this when we were younger and at my Uncle's Cabin in Upstate New York. It was always a blast then and I am glad that it was just as fun this time around. It was a gorgeous day to be on the water, laugh with my family, and swim in the bay. We saw so many gorgeous houses, I wish I could live on the water someday.

4. Harvard! This school has so much history and touring the campus was the coolest thing. Plus our tour guide was awesome and gave us so many fun facts to take home as trivia tidbits.
5. Family! Nothing beats getting together with my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandpa who I haven't seen in a year. It's amazing that even though we are apart for so long we always pick up right where we left off and have an amazing time together. I am so fortunate to have such a loving, fun, and supportive family.

That's my five! Off to visit my boyfriend for the weekend!


  1. I absolutely loved touring Harvard too. Such a gorgeous campus and so much history.

  2. Jessica,

    I am so glad to have found your blog thru linking up and you visiting mine. :) I can't wait to read more. I have to tell you I am SO jealous you are hanging at the beach and getting a tan. I'm in total need of a tan like woah! :/ I'm excited to be your newest follower. :)

  3. Jealous of your beach vacation!! Cute blog :)
