Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Midweek Confessions || 6

I'm linking up with E @ E, Myself, and I for some midweek confessions!

*My students want to go on an officer retreat for their club and i really, really, really, don't want to go camping. I am not big on the idea of cooking on a campfire, sleeping on the ground, and not showering....while being surrounded by my students for three days. Don't get me wrong, I love them...but can't we just stay in a nice hotel or something? 

*Big Brother is my favorite show of the summer. Watching people live in a house and do nothing with their lives? Sounds like a winner. You'd think I'd have something better to do than watch it THREE nights a week and read spoilers online in between. 

*I want to put flowers/plants in my classroom but am afraid they will die && it will look bad since I'm the horticulture teacher. 

*I'm not the best driver and when I was on the highway the other day I was reaching for my chapstick and swerved really bad into the other lane. Thankfully I was in the middle of nowhere and there probably wasn't another car within a mile so nothing happened. EXCEPT that my car started beeping and yelling at me and a little car with swirly lines came on the dash. I've never seen that before. Lesson learned, chapstick isn't that important. 

*I haven't straightened my hair in like 3 weeks and it's the softest it's ever been. I might continue to rock the messy buns just because I feel like my hair is so much healthier and stronger. 

Anyways that's all for this week! Happy Wednesday! 



  1. I have don't nada with my hair all summer! I don't even dry it half the time, just up in a bun. I'm not claiming this ot be a good look for me either lol.
    Try the plants, you can always throw them away when no one is looking!

  2. Alright...I've never watched Big Brother, but I'm getting tempted because THREE NIGHTS A WEEK??!?! That's awesome. Plus tons of people who have good taste in reality TV seem to love it, so...maybe I'll have to give it a try next season (will that not be til next summer? Sheesh).
