Friday, September 6, 2013

Five on Friday

I'm linking up to share five things this friday!

1. I can't wait to start going to Zumba! I was a zumba-er way back in 2008 before anyone really knew what it was. When I went to college I really missed it and then when I moved back it was really expensive at my gym so I never signed up again. As of Monday now it's included in my membership so I am thrilled to be able to start going again. Sometimes I get so bored doing cardio so it is seriously the best way to burn a ton of calories and have fun doing it.

2. I have the best group of teachers at my lunch and it makes me look forward ot every day. I didn't go to the lunch room during my student teaching and I think that made me miss out on making connections with other teachers. I'm going to work hard on that this year.

 3. Having 40 kids in a class is wayyyy too many. Scheduling at our school is all messed up for a variety of reasons  right now but I have 40 kids in my 5th and 6th periods and it is wild. I came home yesterday already starting to lose my voice. I hope they get this figured out soon.

4. We have had the most intense thunder and lightning storms the past two days and I LOVE it. We don't get them often here so it is always a treat. I think it is so cool when lightning lights up the entire sky and then the boom of thunder shakes the house. I'm definitely not one of those people who are scared of storms, it lulled me to sleep last night.

5. Even though I bought a ton of dress clothes for school I'm really happy it's friday and I can just wear jeans and my school shirt. Hello, spirit fridays. You think I have a lot of school spirit, really I just am feeling lazyyyy.

Happy Friday!


1 comment:

  1. yay for Friday five! I seriously love these posts!!! so glad you like your fellow teachers and nothing like dress down days!
