Saturday, September 14, 2013

Old Navy Steals

Usually when I go shopping and stores ask for my email I just decline because I already get way too much junk email. I read on a blog once that they get super awesome Old Navy emails so last time I was there I decided that I would sign up. Today that decision definitely paid off! I got an email last night that would give me 50% of any one item && it said that i could use it with my super cash. Sweet! I knew that i needed a new black cardigan so i got that and a pair of my favorite yoga capris for a grand total of $20! I was stoked. that's a bargain to me!

I haven't been shopping in a while because I'm broke but I'm already making lists of the things that I want to buy when I get my first paycheck at the end of this month. I absolutely cannot wait!

I mentioned before that I was going to a Carrie Underwood concert and my friend and I went and it was AMAZINGGGG. She is just so sweet, beautiful, and talented! Her voice is so wonderful and she is super adorable on stage. She was talking about love songs and then got all shy and awkward and just laughed and it cracked me up. My friends dad got us the best seats, it was a great night. I love concerts but I tend to be too cheap to ever want to buy  tickets myself. I love when I benefit and other people buy them for me.

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend! The rest of mine will be filled with football and lesson planning.

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