Thursday, October 3, 2013

share the good news

This week at bible study we are talking about Evangelism and we had some really intense conversations. I still consider myself kind of a 'baby Christian' because I am still learning and haven't been involved in the church for very long. I find these talks so interesting because I am thinking about things I never thought about before.

When talking about evangelism our pastor made a point that we are pro at evangelizing, when there is a new starbucks, we all talk about it...when there is a new iphone, the same. We are forgetting the greatest news of all, Jesus died for us and we can all have eternal life! Why are we not shouting this from the rooftops? I'm guilty of this, I use my blog to talk about my faith but ask me how often I talk about it with friends who are non-believers and I probably couldn't tell you the last time I did. I am so thankful for my small group and friends from church who help me grow but I wish I could do that for other people.

I want to become more intentional. I want to spread the good news and find ways to show God's love.

How do you share the good news?

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