Monday, April 6, 2015

Weekending: Easter Weekend

Another weekend is complete! It's bittersweet because it means I'm back to school tomorrow. I'm not ready, but I know it's going to be a fun and fast spring. 

I couldn't believe it was already the last day of spring break. Yes, we had the weekend but the last extra day off. I was so sad, the week went far too quickly. I spent the day finishing up some errands from the week and went to school to work on a few things before going back next week. We went to a trout egg hatchery for two students' research projects, interesting stuff!

We went to Good Friday Service in the evening and it was amazing. One thing that I love about my church is these extra services because I feel as though they go above and beyond. The music was beautiful, the message was powerful, and it really had be centered on Jesus and what he did for me. He died for me and my sins, so that I may live. There is no greater love. 

I got up and went to ZUMBA in the morning and then C and I had a lazy day. We went grocery shopping and I meal planned for the week. I spent a few hours watching NCAA Gymnastics and laying on the couch. It was a perfect, relaxing day. 

In the evening some of our friends came over and we went out for dinner. We went to a local italian restaurant. They have wood-fired pizza, so good! 

We went back to our apartment and played CLUE! I was so excited to play this game because I used to play it a ton when I was younger. We learned that we are not good at following the rules and someone almost always forgot to show a card when they were supposed to so none of the games ended without controversy. We will have to play again and hopefully people will be a little better and it will be more fun. 

We went to church on Sunday morning and it was amazing. A message of hope, thank you Jesus.  

We visited my grandad after church and then relaxed at home. My mom and her boyfriend came over for Easter dinner and we hung out. It was a great end to the weekend. 

Linking up with Meghan


  1. Your weekend sounds great! I love watching Gymnastics!

  2. LOVE playing Clue! And that pizza looks delish! Gymanastics is my favorite to watch, too! Hope this week back isn't too painful! xo

  3. Pizza and Clue sounds like a perfect night to me...glad you had a fun weekend :)
