Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Midweek Confessions || 4

Here are some confessions from this week!

-I took a picture of the sky last night because it was 10pm and still light out. I am clearly easily entertained...I also really like summer.

-My life is already so boring that I go and visit the lady I used to nanny for (who I consider a friend) and her three girls for fun. They are 6, 5, and 4 and absolutely adorable. They completely brighten my day and sometimes hanging out with them is more fun than hanging out with people my own age.

-I can't resist chocolate. If there are cookies, brownies, or any other dessert like items in my house I eat it. I swear I didn't used to be this bad but lately I can't resist them. I have a serious lack self control.

-I am going to my first official teachers conference next week as a school employee! It is on the other side of the state and I am super excited. I hope that I learn a lot and get to make connections with lots of other teachers who can help me through my first year of teaching.

-I told myself I'd work out every day this week and I worked out on monday and then skipped it yesterday. Talk about dedication...not. Good thing I'm heading to the gym in a few minutes for a workout class. I'm desperately seeking motivation.

Have a happy day!



  1. Light at 10pm??! That's amazing!! Also...with you on the chocolate. Pretty sure I've never said NO to a piece.

  2. I can't be anywhere near chocolate or know it's hidden somewhere near me.
    ugh, I so lack motivation and "getting moving" to workout, once I start I'm fine it's just getting to that point that's so so hard for me!
