Friday, June 14, 2013

Summer is here!

Today is the last day of school and I'm not subbing so it is officially summer! I can't believe how fast this year has gone and how much has happened! I have totally grown up and it blows my mind. There are so many times that I still feel like a carefree college kid and then realize that no, I'm an actual teacher now. It's terrifying an exciting at the same time. Summers have always been a time of fun and traveling for me so I'm excited that this summer I still have some more adventures to look forward to. Here's a brief rundown of things I'm excited for this summer. 

1. Going to New Jersey to visit my dad! He lives down the shore and my brother and I will get to spend 10 days soaking up the sun, visiting Six Flags, and seeing all our family we don't see for the other 11 months and 3 weeks of the year. 
2. White water rafting! I haven't done this in 8 years or so and I'm so excited! I love the excitement of being on the river and I think it will be a great family bonding activity.
3. Spending time with my boyfriend. We live 250 miles apart and it's hard, but hopefully this summer we will be getting some quality time together. 
4. 6th of July party! I'm having a party after the 4th of July to get some of my friends together from school. I hoping for good weather so that we can sit on the deck, have a fire, and have a good time. 
5. Come August my life will be filled with teacher training's and meetings. I am excited for this because even though it will be a lot of work, it is the beginning of my career and I have to look forward to that! 
6. Decorating my classroom and shopping for school supplies and school clothes! My best friend is also a teacher and we will get to do all of these fun things together. 

There are even more things to look forward to but those are the ones that come to mind right now. I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you Lord for such a beautiful, wonderful, life. 

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