Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Midweek Confessions || 3 || Reality TV Edition

This weekend and beginning of the week flew by. I promise I'll be back with a post of significance later but for now, my confessions [[linking up with E]].

The confession: I like reality tv, a lot. I'm not sure why but for some reason I just get bored with sitcoms and the typical comedy shows. I'll take Survivor over The Office any day. The amount of non-reality shows I watch I can probably count on one hand (Revenge, Revolution, .... ? ) but if you ask me to list reality shows and I could go on forever. In school last week I was reading the kids an article about how reality tv is changing people's perceptions of life and I thought, am I losing my grasp on reality? Thankfully, I think I can see through the staged drama and antics, but it's still really entertaining!

Lets talk about my favorites...
1. Real Housewives of New Jersey. This is the only 'real housewives' show that I watch and it's because I'm from New Jersey. I love that I recognize some of the places they go and hearing their accents reminds me of my family there. The drama is ridiculous and almost sad since it is actually messing with these people's lives! If you are a viewer, I used to love Teresa but now I can't stand her and I like Melissa. Some of the things that Teresa say completely blow my mind and I think she lives in her own little world. I wish we saw more of Jacqueline on the show because she seems the most genuine to me but that's probably why we don't see her often.

2. The Bachelor/The Bachelorette. So what if they go on the same 'super romantic' dates every season, I still can't stop watching! Even though the matches usually don't work out I enjoy watching all of the issues that happen along the way. I also love following the couples on twitter to watch the downfall of the relationships. I would love for some of the love stories to actually work out but after watching the guy (or girl) tell all those other girls (or guys) how much they love them it's really hard for me to believe they can settle forever on the one that they picked. I'm a huge fan of JP & Ashley, couldn't stand Ben & Courtney, and don't really like Sean & Catherine. Let's see how Des does this season.

3. Dance Moms. These girls are so adorable! They are so talented and their dances never fail to amaze me. The moms are ridiculous but I guess that's the point! The arguments that they have a so repetitive and stupid, 'omg you didn't call me at all last week!' I think that Abby Lee really is a sweet woman but she just puts on an act for the camera. If she really was as mean as they make her look then I don't think all of the girls would love her as much as they clearly do. Chloe is my favorite, followed my Paige.

4. Big Brother! Only a couple more weeks until we get another summer of shenanigans. This is a show that I actually don't feel that bad about watching. It doesn't have much substance, but i'm okay with that. I love seeing the creative competitions and punishments that the producers come up with. It is always cool to see how the alliances form and who is the first to back stab and turn on their friends. Let's hope that we have some entertaining characters this summer.

Honorable mentions:
5. Keeping Up with the Kardashians
6. Survivor
7. Amazing Race

1 comment:

  1. I used to love Teresa, but she's gone off the deep end season after season. I don't think Melissa is a total angel but she's closer than T. Love me some Mnazo's!!!
