Friday, August 30, 2013

College Football

Over the past couple of years my boyfriend has slowly been making me get more && more into sports. I never would have imagined that I would be the one who is eagerly counting down the days until college football but guess what, I am! The countdown is finally down to one with my college team playing their season opener tomorrow. I was in marching band for all four years in college so you could say I'm pretty invested in my team. Sadly the team isn't quite so invested, going 1-11 my freshman year and being pretty dismal in the three following that. Needless to say, even though we lose...a lot, I still love them.

There are so many things to love about football, being surrounded by friends, wearing school colors, the delicious food! It is always a good time. Tomorrow we are getting together with friends to watch the game and I can't wait! Even though I'm not too hopeful for the outcome, it's all about the experience. ((you can tell i've gone to a losing school for way too long :P)) Hopefully I'll be attending my homecoming game in two weeks! We will see if I can afford to party like a college kid for a weekend when I will probably be drowning in lesson plans and papers to grade.

Are any of you avid football fans? What's your favorite thing about football?

Now I know you were all wondering....



  1. Replies
    1. woo! we lost, but we were playing Auburn which is pretty huge for us. Hope you enjoyed your game!
