Friday, August 8, 2014

What I've Been Reading

One of my favorite things about summer time is being able to catch up on all of the reading that I have been wanting to do all year. As a student it was something I looked forward to and this summer, as a teacher, it was still a highlight. Here's a peek at five of my favorite books I read this summer.

1. Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands 

This book was different from books that I normally read because it was a little dark. It's a young adult book based on a teenager who's life is turned upside down when a nuclear reactor in her town has a meltdown and both of her parents are killed. It follows her struggles in the following weeks including living as a homeless teen and attempting to get back to her abandoned home.
Rating: 4/5 stars

2. The Wedding Girl

I read this book because I had weddings on the brain since I was MOH in my best friend's wedding this summer. This is a fun, easy read about a love story that takes a complicated turn. This book has some humor but also has a decent plot. There are twists that you won't see coming and characters that are funny and relatable.
Rating: 4/5 stars

3. To Live is Christ 

This book follows the story of Paul and it is so inspiring. I have loved learning more about his man and how he lived his life for Christ and the church. I haven't finished the book but each time I read it I learn something, even if I only read a few pages. 
Rating: 5/5

4. The Selection

If you pictured a mix between The Hunger Games and The Bachelor, that is exactly what this book is. It's actually a series of three books and they were all really good. It is a little predictable but for young adult literature, it is an enjoyable read. I have always enjoyed reading anything that involves royalty and since this book provides a glimpse into this fictitious kingdom, it's a lot of fun. 
Rating: 4.5/5

5. Shore Lights

This book is set in a quaint little beach town in New Jersey and since I spent many summers in those towns it had a special meaning to me. There's stories about family, friendship, and loyalty. It's also based around Christmas which is such a magical time. This was a free book on kindle so it's not high quality literature but if you're looking for a light beach read, I would recommend it.
Rating: 4/5

Linking up for friday favorites  && oh, hey friday! 
The Diary of a Real Housewife

1 comment:

  1. STOP-- a cross between the Hunger Games and the Bachelor?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! How have I never heard of this magic?!?!?!?
