Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I'm backkkk!

I made my blog private for a while last year because I was nervous about having so much out on the internet. I teach high school and I had some really curious kids who were doing everything they could to find anything of mine on the internet. I loved sharing things on this blog but I didn't want to risk them finding it. Even though I don't think I wrote anything that they shouldn't see, it feels like a huge invasion of privacy. I'm feeling a little less worried about them now so I'm back and ready to keep this up again. I loved having fellow bloggers to chat with and enjoyed starting to build those relationships so I'm happy to now have my blog up again.

Anyways, a little about me to refresh your memory.

Name: Jessica

Follower of Christ: I think this defines me in so many ways. My days begin and end with words to the Lord. I know that he controls everything in my life and I am living to serve him. His love is beyond words. I've been through some hard times in my life and I believe those are what truly brought me to him and now that I'm there, I never want to let go.

Status: ENGAGED! :D My boyfriend of 5 years proposed to me last week, we'll be calling him C around here. It was absolutely perfect and I've been waiting so long for it to happen. Let the wedding planning, begin!

Job: I'm a high school science/agriculture teacher going into my second year. I am an FFA advisor so I spend a lot of extra time at school working on projects and competitions. FFA is all about leadership through agriculture, it's the country's largest youth leadership organization.

Living: I'm currently living with my boyfriend in an apartment that we moved into last November. I absolutely love it and it definitely feels like home.

Hobbies: I love to read! My two favorite authors are Jodi Picoult and Nicholas Sparks but I'm the kind of person who just goes to the library and picks a few random books off the shelf (I might judge them by their cover) and takes them home to read. Usually they end up being good so I must have good taste. I love reality tv, maybe a little too much. I enjoy shopping but I'm super cheap so it's hard to me to spend money. For the next few months leading up to my wedding I know I will be spending way too many hours on pintrest. If you want to follow me feel free to comment and I'll send you a link.

Education: I'm working on my masters online right now. It's been going great so far, I'm two classes in and have 16 total. Once school starts I'm nervous about the stress of teaching + grad school + wedding planning, but that's life right.

I think that's enough about me for now. More will come out in upcoming entries but just wanted to give a little background to refresh everyone's memories. Thanks for coming back and reading, I look forward to chatting with you all! <3

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