Thursday, January 15, 2015

Five Friday Favorites: Three day weekend!

Happy Friday! We get a three day weekend for MLK day, woot woot! It will be filled with grad school work but that fact that I can be in sweats on the couch is good enough for me. :)

[Favorite Verse]
This was so fitting for some challenges that arose this week. Trying to remember not to worry and trust in Him and his promises.

[Favorite Pin]
I mentioned last week that I'm working on planning my mom's surprise birthday party and I think I'm going to do something like this. I already started searching for pictures and I'm going to get some super old ones from my Grandad this weekend.

[Favorite Moment]
My students did a make up End of Course exam this week and these are kids who need to pass the test to graduate. I was super nervous for them and they all came back and said it was easy. We were talking about it and one kid goes, 'I have a much better science teacher this year so I felt really confident.' That made my heart melt, what a sweet kid.

[Favorite Song]
Apparently this is an old song but we dance to it in zumba and it's so much fun! I hadn't heart it before but it's catchy! What does Jai Ho even mean?

[Favorite Snapshot] 
I've been kicking butt at eating healthy this week and this salad with leftover chicken from my mom's was delicious! 

Linking up with Friday Favorites & Five on Friday!
The Diary of a Real Housewife
Happy Weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. I love that quote too! Sometimes it is hard to trust him because we are so used to making things happen in our lives, but he is always in control. How sweet of your students complimenting you! Love that number filled with pictures for a surprise party. Happy planning! Have a great weekend!
