Monday, January 19, 2015

MLK Day Thoughts

Today I have the day off from school in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day and I have been thinking a lot about this day. At school on Friday we had an assembly honoring MLK day and when they were playing the 'I have a dream' speech it hit me a different way this time.

Now don't worry, there aren't kids on the way, but one day they will be and they will have the potential to be judged by the color of their skin. To me, color doesn't matter. Since I was little my best friend was black, then I dated and am now marrying someone who is African American. I love to think about what my kids will look like, but I know they won't look like me and I know this world will judge them and treat them differently.

I know that I can't speculate and worry about what will happen. We are blessed to live in a country where we have so many freedoms and while everyone may not be free from all bias, I will let nothing hold my children back.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day and I hope everyone who has the day off enjoys it!

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