- Dear 4th period students, thanks for bringing me cookies after lunch and requesting that we listen to music during class. It was my favorite period of the day.
- Dear Summer, I am very excited for you to get here. I don't know my exact plans yet but I hope that they include visiting my dad and spending at least a week at the beach. I also anticipate lots of sleeping in and trips to the gym.
- Dear Gillian Flynn, Thank you for writing your book, Gone Girl. I read the entire thing today and was hooked. The story was captivating and kept me guessing. I wasn't a fan of the ending but the rest of the book was fabulous.
- Dear horses at the racetrack, I really would like to win some money tomorrow since last time I completely failed. Please cooperate and run fast if I pick you to win.
- Dear Candy Crush, Why are you so addicting? I spend way too long trying to beat your ridiculous levels. You're fun, but can't you just let me win?
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!