Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What he left behind.

This video, What he left behind, has gone viral on facebook and I decided that I had to watch it and see what all the hype was about. 22 minutes later, I was in tears. This is the video of a teenager, Zach, who is terminally ill. It follows him and his journey towards the end. He is always upbeat, positive, and constantly showing love to everyone who is around him.

One of the messages that this menu leaves you with is that his goal was to always strive to make people happy. If you spend your days worrying about how to make other people happy, how to make them have a better day, then you will have a better life. I think that is such an inspiring message. This is a teenager who knows that his life is coming to a close but instead of worrying about himself and making himself happy, he is using his energy to make other people happy. I think that this is how we should all try to live. We might be having a bad day but that doesn't mean that we should inflict that on the people around us, why not try to make sure that other people have good days even if ours aren't perfect? Chances are that by trying to help someone else have a good day, our day will improve.

This video left me wondering about a lot of things, most importantly, how would I live if I knew I was going to die? I hope that I would live a life much like Zach. A life surrounded by loved ones, filled with happiness, and with the piece of mind that everyone knows how much I love them. I wouldn't want my friends and family members to be upset when I leave, but to know that I am in a better place and that I would want them to be happy.

He passed away yesterday, rest in peace, Zach.

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