Sunday, May 5, 2013


This weekend marked one year since I graduated and moved away from college. I love looking back and seeing how my life and changed and one area that is particularly interesting is my friendships. For the most part things have happened pretty much how I predicted. I knew the people who I was going to stay close with and thankfully, that has happened. What has surprised me a little are the people who I wasn't really friends with who somehow I became really good friends with in the year that I have been away.

Friends all have different roles in life. There are the fun friends, serious friends, ones that you chat with about nothing in particular, ones you have deep conversations with, etc. I think it's important to have a mix of all these people and I value how different friendships can be. As I grow up I realize that I really crave people who know how to deal with my feelings and be supportive. I've always felt like the friend that people can rely on to vent, get advice, complain to, but then sometimes I feel like I can't always do that back. Some people are so caught up in their own issues that they forget to even ask how you are doing, and those are the friends that I see slowly slipping from my life. It's not that I think the worth revolves around me, but shouldn't my friends at least care enough to ask how I'm doing if they just spent an hour talking about themselves? It might sound selfish but I don't think it's too much to ask. I also find myself attracted to more positive people. I'm all about being happy and looking at the bright side. I know not everyone is able to do that but I think that it makes my life so much better, and surrounding myself with people who have a similar outlook on life really brings me up.

This past weekend I got to see a few of my close friends and it made me super thankful for the friendships that have (so far) lasted the test of distance and time. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it.

Friendship is a gift, cherish it.

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